Sunday, March 4, 2018

Regarding Alberta Schools. As per Alberta Education there are guidelines for using timeout so why doesn't the school follow it? Why isn't the use of seclusion rooms regulated? How come nobody told me about these guidelines but I had to do the research and find it on my own? Is something wrong with this picture? In fact when brought up to the teacher, principal, etc. they usually act like they never even heard of the guidelines. Or better yet they will lie and pretend to know even though they don't follow them anyways. Or even better they will say that they don't have to follow them since they are guidelines and not rules and they should have been updated since the date on the guidelines shows 2002. Really? How about updating the use of seclusion rooms by removing them from the schools. That way you wouldn't have to worry about the guidelines and whether you are following them or not.

These are the guidelines that I was not told about and that are not followed in the school. These are the guidelines that need to be enforced or better yet just get rid of the seclusion rooms altogether since they are being misused.

Guidelines For Using Timeout In Schools

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